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We wrestle not...

Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

It’s interesting sometimes how clear and simple many Biblical truths are spelled out, but how complicated we can make our lives by just not doing them. We often get extremely upset at the people of this world, at hard circumstances or even our family in the Church when they "wrong" us, and begin to scheme and work up some kind of payback, or confront each other for no other reason but to prove we’re right or have a right to be angry or upset. James (Ch.4) says in his letter to the Church that all our disputes and wars come from within: this echoing what Jesus Himself taught in Mark’s gospel (Ch.7) that it is from man’s sinful heart that all evils spring up. And all because we can’t grasp the simple concept that with salvation comes a complete change of focus, and our warfare becomes that which cannot be fought with hands, guns or any other “carnal” (physical) weapons.

The source of this inability to rightly understand our current (and eternal) state of being flows from our flawed human perspective: the idea that the physical is more, or at least as important as the spiritual. We go to church, listen to preaching, even do our “devotions”, learning that all such ideas are empty, fruitless and shameful, yet our pride (the idea that I am important by myself.) will not allow us to take injury, even if we know it is “GOD’s Will.” Paul asked the Corinthian Church (ICor.6:7) why they were unwilling to allow themselves to be “defrauded”, or in other words, allow wrong to be done to them: but instead went to court with each other over everything, completely missing the very commandment of Jesus Christ to “Love one another" as He had loved us.

Proverbs 13:10 states that “Only by pride cometh contention”. Now that’s a clear cut, unambiguous (not mysterious) statement. “Only” is exclusive, and explains really how deep our sin is: as we try to dance around our hidden sins, this makes it clear that it is our own self-centered desire for promotion and “success” that cause ALL conflict. BUT, in the life of a believer, such war should not exist, and if it does, it is only because he does not understand the simple principle that we no longer fight in a world of “flesh and blood” but against the powers of the system of the devil, and the sinful desires of our own flesh. As Peter said (II Pet.1:9) we become “blind” and have “forgotten” that we were (as in already) purged from our old sin.

Think About This: When we received the Holy Spirit at salvation, everything changed for us: Our relationship to GOD, our position in eternity, our inability to do right was swapped for the desire to glorify GOD, etc.: everything EXCEPT this body: this physical, visible, “I live in it every day” body. And as Paul said in Romans, there is nothing good dwelling in our “flesh” ie body. This is why it is so difficult to maintain the correct focus on the real battle.

The Truth of It: If we could keep in mind at all times the significance of the glorious change that GOD has begun within us, we would have a much easier time dealing with brothers and sisters who may rub us the wrong way, or with a world that misunderstands or purposely misconstrues our actions, words and intents. When we understand it is the devil, his system, and our own messed up flesh that are the real enemies, we won’t direct our anger and frustrations at those around us, whether family or enemies, and it is then that we can finally begin to follow the instruction of Christ in Luke 6:27,28 “But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.”

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